Symposium HackaLOD 2018

HackaLOD 2018 is the cultural Linked Open Data Hackaton of 2018, Organised by Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed, The Rijksmuseum and The Royal Libary. During the 24-hour Hackaton teams set to work on creating new apps based on data from collections of cultural institutions. A professional jury decides who made the best app. Special attention is given to the use of linked data that makes it possible to combine various collections, to enrich them on the basis of analysis and to present them in an innovative way.

Saturday 10th of February, Bart van Leeuwen presented on behalve of Netage on the HackaLOD Symposium in Amsterdam. Bart has told here about how he makes connections between different sources of data for major calamities.

Visiting the Illinois Fire Service Institute

Tuesday Netage B.V. visited the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI), talking about ppe contamination and smartdata.

The Illinois Fire Service Institute, located in Champaign, Illinois, serves as the oldest continuous fire training institution in the United States. Since 1925, first responders from Illinois and the world have relied on IFSI to deliver top quality training, education, and research. The main IFSI campus offers a 28 acre training ground with innovative class-A live fire and technical rescue props and training equipment. In addition, IFSI delivers courses at state Regional Training Centers, local fire departments and internationally.

Speaker at FRI 2017

Bart van Leeuwen will be presenting at Fire-Rescue International (FRI) in Charlotte NC in the USA with “Smart Data for Smarter Fire Fighters”
FRI 2017 is a conference and expo organized by
The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC)

The International Association of Fire Chiefs represents the leadership of firefighters and emergency responders worldwide; the members are the world’s leading experts in firefighting, emergency medical services, terrorism response, hazardous materials spills, natural disasters, search and rescue, and public safety policy

There mission is to provide leadership to current and future career, volunteer, fire-rescue and EMS chiefs, chief fire officers, company officers and managers of emergency service organizations throughout the international community through vision, information, education, services and representation to enhance their professionalism and capabilities.

Bart will talk about: ‘How can we make sure that in our information driven society the fire service is able to keep up. How do we keep the people we protect safe and optimize our operations with the data available?.Learn about the buzzwords and the perspective for the fire service, and what you can do to make smarter use of the data that is available. Smart Data for Smarter Fire Figthers.’

Friday July 28th, 3:30PM ETT-109 room 208B

Congress Future of Fire Fighting, Belgium

The fire department of Antwerp, Belgium exist 200 years and on this occasion they organized a congress about innovation within the fire department which took place on May 18th. A dedicated audience of around 150 professionals from the fire department, emergency services and ICT industry attended the conference. In addition to this a large audience followed everything via the live broadcast.
Six strong speakers gave their vision of what the future could offer for the emergency services, Bart van Leeuwen was one of these speakers. Bart mentioned in his Inspirational Talk ‘Smart Data for Smarter Fire Fighters’ that we should not forget the human side. How do we deal with all this technology?

In the film below you can watch all the Inspirational Talks. At 1:13:22 Bart’s talk begins.

Article published on Fire Engineering

An article written by Bart van Leeuwen is published online on Fire Engineering.

In this article Bart is telling about is background and how he combines his two specialities; firefighting and running an IT business. With this unique combination Bart is determinant to make firefighters smarter by using smart data.

To read the article visit:

Netage in Forbes

Naar aanleiding van de presentatie die Bart van Leeuwen namens Netage heeft gegeven op Strata + Hadoop World in New York, is er een artikel over Netage verschenen in Forbes magazine, “Is Big Data Analytics The Secret To Successful Fire Fighting?

Forbes magazine is een zakentijdschrift uit de VS dat twee keer per week artikelen publiceert over financiën, industrie, investeren, en marketing onderwerpen. Forbes rapporteert ook over aanverwante onderwerpen als technologie, communicatie, wetenschap en recht.

Presenting on Smart Data Conference

smartdata2017-eventbutton_wehaveaspeakerThursday January 31st 2017 Bart van Leeuwen will present at the Smart Data Conference in San Francisco Bay.  The Smart Data Conference is the premier business conference focused on Smart Data en Machine Intelligence Technologies. During his presentation Bart van Leeuwen will tell about the development within in fire service on Smart and Big Data and how Netage deals with this.

VVSG Conference Mechelen, Belgium

On vvsgNovember 21st The Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) organized a conference in Mechelen, Belgium.

Since Januari 1st, 2015 the municipal fire services in Belgium are centralized and merged into interlocal organizations, called hulpverleningszones (emergency zones). This means that the fire service must evolve from 165 municipal forces to 20 emergency zones. The VVSG emergency zones department therefore organized a conference with a focus on the policy and management structure of the zones.

Bart van Leeuwen gave a presentation on this conference on behalf of Netage. The presentation was about the use of Big Data in the fire service. Bart used his personal story and experience with data to advice the emergency zones about how to use the data smart for both repressive and preventive purposes. The presentation was very well received and found inspiring.
